Guest Speaking Engagements

Dick Bell brings and shares his nearly 50 years of Football and Business experience and expertise to the stage. Experiences as a player, coach, player agent and administrator will enlighten and motivate any sports  audience from 18 to 80. And for the Business/Sales audience he will share in detail all the fundamentals that made him successful both in the athletic arena and in the Business world. Dick has been around some of the Great Players, Coaches And Owners in the NFL as well as some giants of Industry and will share some of the stories and lessons  he had and learned from them. A truly wonderful experience for all attendees and each attendee will walk away with a smile and a lesson learned of their own!!

Some Topics to Consider

  • 50 years of football experiences from the inside!

  • Implementing a great recruiting plan for any business/team!
  • Managing your people while managing yourself!

  • How a salesperson becomes a sales professional!

  • Controlling your time to maximize your production!

  • What a high school athlete needs to do and be to get to the college level!

Click here to receive more information

BC281566287861FC is exclusively devoted to Football, in all its aspects and on all its levels. If you are a player, coach or an executive and you have a football objective, then our President Dick Bell is the man that can help you achieve it!